The Adventures of the Mountain Kiddos!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Madigan turned 10 today. I can hardly believe that she has been with us for that long, because it seems to have flown by. On the other hand it is hard to remember my life before her. It feels as though I have always loved her. (Some days more than others, you know.)

Today we have a family gathering. She decided she wanted to have banana splits rather than a cake. And she chose some Lilies for the table.

We started with gift opening, G's favorite part!

Levi and Bumper tried to stay cool.

G took some time for a tickle.

Grandma arrived a little later and she brought the whipped cream for the sundaes.

These are Maddy's new sock monkey satin PJs, and new monkey slippers.

The jammies are perfect for a snuggle with Pop.

This cool monkey tag will be great on her backpack or luggage.

This is the new book that she was really pining for. She also got five other books from Pop and G. Perfect for the new Principal's reading club. And a HSM2 game, a Justice gift card, an outfit and a bunch of other girlie things.

This year is off to a great start.

Next week - slumber party. Levi has requested to go away to Pop and G's house for this event. Do you think they would let me come, too?